
Falling down and getting up.

Why does falling down hurt so much? Why does trying to get up seem so impossible? In the walk of a Christ follower the weight and burden from stumbling and trying to get back up from it seems so heavy. In all reality it is a mental/spiritual thing that the enemy has perfected. He knows that we are a people that are more critical of ourselves then anyone else could ever be. In doing so this a self inflicted prison that we keep ourselves in. It is almost a prison with no cell doors, but we just can't seem to believe that we can get free. But the Word says "he who lives in me is free indeed." Easier said than done. Or is it? The simple act of reading the Word, putting on the "armour", giving your day to Christ seems like an impossible mission. Once again, the lie of the enemy.
We have strength in Christ- 1 Timothy 1:12-
"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service."
We must think about this daily. Place scriptures throughout your home. Read the Word. Talk to people about Christ. Be available to God. Just DO what you know to do. In James 4 it says if a man knows what he must do and does not do it then he sins. Let that ring out!!!
Be encouraged that God is sovereign and that He will not give you more than you can handle (1 Cor 10:13). Through your testing He will give you strength. He will also give you a way out. You just need to take it. And if you fall, He will be there to pick you up and dust you off with a look of love and compassion rather than disgust and disappointment.
Psalm 22:8-"He trusts in the LORD; let the LORD rescue him. Let him deliver him, since he delights in him." Let this be true of you, because it is true of Him.


I am back!!!

After taking a sabbatical from writing, I have returned. A lot has gone on since I last wrote. Where to begin? Well, I began working out again. Nothing too serious, unless you consider working out five times a week serious. I just got fed up with not looking model-esque anymore. Not that I ever did. I just do weights on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with cardio (running) all five days. My goal is to get to my fighting weight, whatever that is. I have decided to step it up though. I am going to lift weights five time a week. Low weight with high reps. I need to tone it up. I have my TEN year reunion this year. I need to go back and show them how unscrawny I am now.
Besides the workout plan, I have started up school again. Vinyeard Leadership Institute to be more exact. I am about to take my midterm for The Writings (Psalm, Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon) and for Vision and Planning. Great stuff. I do feel that I have become a demi-scholar. After this semester I will be a second year student and have only three semesters left. If feels good to be getting this done. I know though that I am not done with education after this. I would like to get my bachelors still. Plus with the new policy that the Navy came out with, I get free tuition up to any state level university. God is good!!!
Oh yeah, the most important thing is that I was introduced as the new multi site campus pastor officially. We will be launching a Vineyard Community Church campus in Norfolk. I am stoked. It is going to be a great opportunity.
Well, now that I am caught up I can relax. I know that there are readers out there. I hope. If you are, then just hit me up with a comment. If not, then continue to enjoy your anonymity.

Slider out!!!