So I was approached about two weeks ago by one of the youth at the church and was told that every time that I ever leave a place that I should exclaim "Slider Out!!" At first it took me back to the time in my life where I was always doing something to announce my arrival or departure. Of course this was to feed the deep down necessity of being the center of attention, but as I have gotten older I no longer have that battling within side of me. Yeah right!!!!
I haven't really thought about it much since then. Until yesterday when I ended my blog with it. So now I am left with a small desire to begin doing this silly ritual. Whether it was to let the present company become aware of the soon to be emptiness that they were about to experience (most likely not), or for it just to be something that the younger crowd would think would be "cool", I now have this longing to do it. I think that I will first keep it simple and low key, and limit it to each blog post. But soon it may become something that takes the world by storm. I cannot help that I have been blessed with an amazing last name. Not like "Smith","Doe", or even "Jinglehiemerschmidt". Jon Slider just has a ring to it, so with that I shall leave you.
Slider Out!!!!
Chapdawg OUT!