So yesterday I had my six month cleaning. In a weird and twisted way I enjoy going to the dentist. Some people are deathly afraid of it, but not me. So anyway, I had done my pre-visit ritual of brushing, flossing, and gargling mouthwash. Bekah pointed out to me, based on my lack of flossing, that when it comes to me and flossing I am like most non church goers: I only floss two times a year like most people only go to church for Easter and Christmas. The funny thing about it is that I haven't had a cavity since I was a little kid. She flosses everyday and she just had a cavity or two in the last couple months. Irony sure is funny.
Anyway.....back to my dental visit. So I was looking forward to it because of my success record in not having cavities. I arrive at the dentist office and wait in the waiting room, obviously. They have this cool fish tank that has a fish in it that seems to be too big for it. It is like a shark/goldfish hybrid. Very cool. They finally call my name. Now this is only the second time that I have been to a civilian dentist since I got out of the Navy so it is still a different world. Everyone is happy and glad that I am there. Quite a difference from the Navy. My dental hygienist is this perky little girl named Megan. I had her last time and wasn't fearful at all.
Things were normal as usual, but Megan was extra talkative this time. Not in an annoying way, but in a way that she required responses while my jaw was wide open. I don't know if they teach the hygienists how to understand complete incoherency in dental hygienist school, but that is all she was getting from me. A lot of uncomfortable half laughs and several unintelligible gag-like tones resonating from the back of my throat. She seemed to understand, so I didn't question it. She told me about her daughter and I tried to tell her about Abigail and Nathan as best and clearly as I could.
After the initial cleaning she got the horrid floss out and began to cut through the soft tissue that hold my teeth in my mouth. Needless to say as I rinsed and spit, flowing red liquid protruded from my mouth. A sign that I should probably floss more. After everything was said and done I was released with my free gifts of floss, travel toothpaste, and a brand new toothbrush with the dentist office's name on it. Oh joy!!! I had hit the mother load. Oh yeah, my gums were throbbing. I guess to remind me that not flossing can result in abuse at your dental cleaning.
So kids, brush your teeth daily and always remember to floss!!!
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Peeps Death
So on Easter, Peeps are a childhood favorite. I personally never enjoyed them. So this year Bekah had bought some for Abigail and Nathan. With the ones that were not eaten, Allison Virtue Drew, decided to introduce "Peep-fighting". Now I don't know if it is a felony to do this, so I claim no responsibility in the outcome of said fights. The object of "Peep-fighting" is to mercilessly poke each peep with a toothpick and then face them together (see first photo), you then proceed to stick them into the microwave facing one another. If it weren't wrong enough to empale them with toothpicks you then get enjoyment by nuking them with the intention of them "fighting" one another. As you see by the end picture there is nothing left but death and
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Today is Easter and I am sitting at home with my family, both immediate and extended, and I am reflecting on what Easter really means. I had the privilege of leading the family tradition of the bitter herbs and the Lord's Supper. It was quite an honor and very moving for me. I never really thought about the Old Law and the New Covenant. To see what God had done with His people and then to send His son to fulfill what He had done with His people. But not only did He do it for His chosen people but for all of creation. I love my Father so much and to put Easter into perspective is now something that I have done and it makes me more appreciative of the sacrifice made for me. If you have read the "Father's Love" entry then that, to me, is what I feel it is like for us. Once again the mystery of God's love.
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Love of a Father
The love of a father is something that not everyone trully experiences in their life. I for instance grew up never knowing my biological dad. But this doesn't mean that I could never really know what it means to have the love of a father. I grew up a Christian and was always told about the love of God the Father, but I could never relate. It was just too hard for me. It was not until the birth of my first child Abigail that I could somewhat relate to the love the Lord has for us, but I was still missing the love towards me. In regards to the love that I have for my daughter, I was able to have a little glimpse of how it must be for God towards us. Also I had this thought that I didn't know if I wanted another child because I didn't think that I could love another child like I loved Abigail, but then Nathan came along and was amazingly surprised. It was a different type of love. Not any less or any more than Abigail. Just different. I never really thought anymore about it.
Recently I have been reading the Shack and have come to understand what the Love of the Father looks and feels like. I brought up my children and earlier for the fact that it is similar for how the Lord loves us. He doesn't love any of us more than the other. It is different and unique for each person. For me it takes the pressure off. For me it makes it more valuable. For me it makes it more special. I am not saying that I am completely at a place where I understand or even feel it all of the time, but I know it is there and I know that He loves me. The love of a father is so important, and He wants us to know that He does love us. But don't take my word for it. You must seek and find for yourself!!!
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