
Dental Work

So yesterday I had my six month cleaning. In a weird and twisted way I enjoy going to the dentist. Some people are deathly afraid of it, but not me. So anyway, I had done my pre-visit ritual of brushing, flossing, and gargling mouthwash. Bekah pointed out to me, based on my lack of flossing, that when it comes to me and flossing I am like most non church goers: I only floss two times a year like most people only go to church for Easter and Christmas. The funny thing about it is that I haven't had a cavity since I was a little kid. She flosses everyday and she just had a cavity or two in the last couple months. Irony sure is funny.
Anyway.....back to my dental visit. So I was looking forward to it because of my success record in not having cavities. I arrive at the dentist office and wait in the waiting room, obviously. They have this cool fish tank that has a fish in it that seems to be too big for it. It is like a shark/goldfish hybrid. Very cool. They finally call my name. Now this is only the second time that I have been to a civilian dentist since I got out of the Navy so it is still a different world. Everyone is happy and glad that I am there. Quite a difference from the Navy. My dental hygienist is this perky little girl named Megan. I had her last time and wasn't fearful at all.
Things were normal as usual, but Megan was extra talkative this time. Not in an annoying way, but in a way that she required responses while my jaw was wide open. I don't know if they teach the hygienists how to understand complete incoherency in dental hygienist school, but that is all she was getting from me. A lot of uncomfortable half laughs and several unintelligible gag-like tones resonating from the back of my throat. She seemed to understand, so I didn't question it. She told me about her daughter and I tried to tell her about Abigail and Nathan as best and clearly as I could.
After the initial cleaning she got the horrid floss out and began to cut through the soft tissue that hold my teeth in my mouth. Needless to say as I rinsed and spit, flowing red liquid protruded from my mouth. A sign that I should probably floss more. After everything was said and done I was released with my free gifts of floss, travel toothpaste, and a brand new toothbrush with the dentist office's name on it. Oh joy!!! I had hit the mother load. Oh yeah, my gums were throbbing. I guess to remind me that not flossing can result in abuse at your dental cleaning.
So kids, brush your teeth daily and always remember to floss!!!

Slider Out!!!!

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