
Our Ministry: Is it like Christ's?

I think about the way that I and the majority of Christians witness to people directly or indirectly, and it has brought me to a conclusion. I am 27 years old and have been witnessed TO a handful of times, maybe 4-5. Now modern day statistics say that there are approximately 224,000,000 Christians in the United States, and I have been witnessed to 4-5 times. Now I am not saying that I am doing any better. As a Pastor I get to witness through my work, but what am I doing in my plain clothes away from the church. What are all of us doing as believers?
I feel that it is because we have not accepted the new covenant that the Lord paid the ultimate price for. The more I think about it, it feels as if the majority of Christians are wandering through life like the children of Israel did. What I mean by that is there is a promise given to us (eternal life), and we are just doing everything we can just to get that promise. While instead the new covenant which fulfills the old covenant should require us to live how Jesus lived rather then how a bunch of nomadic people lived. We too many times are waiting for God to give us the next opportunity rather than make our own with God's direction. Jesus ate at sinners' homes. He hung out with hurt and sick people. Maybe we take the scripture in Romans 12:2 TOO literal and we separate ourselves from anything and everything that could possibly lead us astray. Maybe I want more for my walk. Maybe I want people to look at me and see Jesus rather than see someone that is weak and is leaving it all to God. God gives us the power to do all these things. Through Christ this power is given.
I guess what I am saying is that we need to have lives that reflect Jesus rather then a life that is aimless in wandering with a "pillar of smoke" leading us to the "promise land." I want to be a Joshua and a Caleb, who had the spirit of the Lord in them when they said that they could take the land. I don't want to be the other ten that were punished with death. Because in the end if we lived our life like that there will be a yearning or desire to have wanted to do more, and that will feel like death.
So may we look to Christ and how He DID ministry, with boldness and courage!! Let us not be fearful of man. Let us take the land the Lord has given us. Let us know that it is Him that gives us the strength to do these things and it is not of ourselves. Let our ministries be like Christ's!!

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