
Break the Law: Pursue Christ

Is the Word of God a book by which you live your life, or something that points you towards Christ? Is it something that becomes like a law to you, or acts as a compass that leads you to a relationship with our Lord and Savior? For many of us we are like the early church in where we look more to Scripture as a "how to" rather than a "where to". What I mean by this is that we take the Word that God gave us and live by it alone. But we are missing a very simple part of the equation, JESUS!! The word of God is meant to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Our "walk", pardon the pun, doesn't stop with the Bible, but rather it begins there.
In Timothy, Paul wrote to this young leader because there was false teaching going on among the leaders of the Church in Ephesus. They were teaching that the only way you could be saved was through the law. They only got it half right. The law was/is something that is given to man from God but then written, interpreted, and enforced by man. MAN!! Not God. Whenever God is not part of the equation we will fall short 100% of the time. In chapter one of 1 Timothy Paul says, "We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers–and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine" (vs. 8-10). It acts as a beacon to the lost. It is revealing and open. It opens our eyes to our sin and shows us who can restore us.
Paul says in vs. 5 that only through love with a pure heart, clear conscience, and a sincere faith can we know God. Then in vs. 14 he speaks to the fact that the grace that saves us was poured out "abundantly" with the faith and love that is in Christ. So there is the Word of God pointing to Christ. It commands us to do something and reveals to us what we should do, but it goes further and shows Christ who lives how we ought to.
So don't let it end with your reading of the Word, but rather dwell on it, meditate on it, and seek to where it is leading. Which is Christ. Once you have your sights focused on God then you will experience what the Word is saying in its fullness.

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