
Be Mentioned

For sixteen verses in Romans 16, Paul gives his TRL style shout-outs to his peeps. From Pheobe, to Priscilla and Aquilla, to Adronicus to Plegon. Those last two sound like they are from the planet Zorkon of the Nebulal Quadrant (seriously they do). And while mentioning their names, he gives reasons, indirectly, why. While I never noticed this before, there are some pretty amazing people recognized. Some are known for their hospitality, their love of God, being the first follower of Christ in Asia (dang, that is sweet), two are known for sharing a jail cell while also being believers longer than Paul. The list goes on and on. But they are mentioned by name. He then goes on to mention those that are up to no good. The thing is that he doesn't waste ink on their names. He just says to avoid them and what they do. They are out for selfish reasons and to lead others astray.
I don't want to be the ones mentioned for the negativity they were known for. Their names are not even acknowledged, but I rather be named. I want to live a life that is worthy of God. I say so in the most humble of means. I want to be known for sticking my neck out there (vs 4), laboring much for the kingdom (vs. 6,12), being a fellow worker in Christ (vs. 3, 9), and being a beloved in the Lord (vs. 8). All the things mentioned were done so not for how great they made Paul feel or how great it made him look, but rather how they were living for Christ. The latter were warned against, almost black-listed. Paul wanted people to know what others were doing in the name of Christ.
I have often joked about wanting to be listed in the Bible if it were to be continually added to, but in some seriousness I do. I want to be known for a life that has been lived for God. I know that I have a long way to go, but with the Lord's help I can become what He wants me to become.
"Lord bring me to a place where I am known for loving You, loving others, and serving the world. Let it be the the light that you are shining through me. May I be an agent for the Kingdom rather than a destroyer of it. If anyone were to mention my name, let it be you." Let this be your prayer. Let this be something that defines you. Let this be why you are mentioned.

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