Romans 15:21 says: "Those who were never told of him—they’ll see him! Those who’ve never heard of him— they’ll get the message!"
I don't think that this scripture only refers to those that have never heard the name "Jesus", but rather those who have never heard or encountered His character, His peace, His love, His grace, etc. People can know the Bible and know the name Jesus, but never trully know. There are a lot of Christians that know Him but don't trully KNOW Him. This is where they have never had a true encounter with Him. They are just going through the motions. So many people will say that they are Christians, but their lack of relationship with Jesus will play out in their actions and deeds. What is their fruit? What is my fruit? This is where we must continually be pressing into God so that we might KNOW Him. He will then use us so that others might have an encounter with Jesus. It is like when Christ calls Phillip to follow Him. He first ran and told his friend Nathaniel. At first Nathan was skeptical of Jesus, because he had not yet encountered Him. He even questioned if anything good came out of Nazareth. He did this because he just heard of the things that come from there. He had not trully investigated for himself. But when Christ revealed Himself to Nathan, an encounter happened and Nathan was transformed.
So like Phillip we must go and tell our friends, family, and coworkers about Christ and not become discouraged by the backlash but rather have them have an encounter with Christ. Then they will see and they will understand.
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