
How big is your "but"?

We all have those moments in life when we get fed up with living a mediocre life. Whether it is with our health, our relationships, or our spiritual life. We decide that we need to make changes. We will get gym memberships, end "unhealthy" relationships, start a Bible reading plan or some other form of spiritual development book. The problem is that there are big BUTS connected with these things.
We start to work out, BUT we don't change our eating habits. We stop hanging out with certain people, BUT look for new friends at the place where we met the old ones. We try to have a spiritual awakening, BUT we don't change any other parts of our lifestyle. Why is that?
In the Old Testament, there are 4 books written about the kings of Israel and Judah that show this theme of wanting to get right, BUT they don't go the whole way. To me it seems that they just do the bare minimum so that they appear right in the eyes of the people that they are leading. There is no real heart change, but rather an image that they want to uphold. Because they know they should do it. Not that they want to do it.
Are we guilty of this as well? I know that for me I have always had good intentions when it comes to making changes in my life. But there must be more. There must be such a great discontent that leads to a 100% life change. We should not be content with starting something for the sake of starting it. Rather we should be determined to complete whatever it is that we start. It should drive us to point that people take notice. People should see the change. That is where we have the most opportunity to convince people that we are serious.
Don't let your "BUTS" get in the way.

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