Earlier this week I tweeted "Repentance is not saying you are sorry and then continuing forward. It is STOPPING what you are doing and then going the other way." I posted that after a God moment in which I felt that I was guilty of just saying sorry for my sin, but not really doing anything to change. Doing this in our lives is a lot like the playing the kids game Sorry. The point of the game is to get all your players around the board. If you happen to land on a Sorry slide, it is customary for you to say in a real sarcastic tone "SORRY" and then proceed forward taking out anyone in your path. The game is all about progress of moving forward. I can relate to that in my life when confessing sin to God. Sure I say sorry, but I have no intention of changing anything. I just want to move forward with my life.
The problem is that by just saying sorry, you are playing a game. You are not serious about who you are in Christ or what He wants for you. Sometimes saying sorry can be more harmful than good.
By truly repenting, you are making a decision to lay down what sin you have and turning from that and going in the complete opposite direction. It could be by setting up boundaries, limitations, or accountability. It is most times done with other people involved. In James 5:16 it say to "Confess your sins to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed." Repentance should be relational.
So if you are playing the game of "sorry", stop! Repent before the Lord so that you may know what it is to have freedom from your sin. Because if you don't then you will really be sorry.
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