
End of the world? Tomorrow? Really?

(Journal entry that I felt led to share)

Today I've been kind of emotional (angry, sad, frustrated, amused) b/c of this whole "Rapture/Judgement Day" nonsense. According to Harold Camping, the end of the world begins tomorrow with the Rapture happening at 6:00pm each timezone. Matthew 24:36 is pretty straight forward about no one knowing when Christ will return.

"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven, but My Father only."

So it just makes me angry to see, hear, and read about the people claiming to be Christians and saying that tomorrow is THE DAY. Then there are the other people out there lumping all Christians together with this. How do I defend against this? Should I? I know what I believe. I know who Christ is to me and in me. I have just gotten overwhelmed with it all. I know that I need to just focus on Him and not get distracted by all those that lump us together. But what about those spreading this lie? What do I think about them? I truly feel that they are ones that love God, but are just misled and deceived. That is mainly what angers me.

Christians are definitely beginning to be taken less serious then ever before as well. This whole thing doesn't help. More and more we are being placed into a category that is one of holding onto a fairy tale or onto something that is not needed. But I know for sure that Christ is needed. I need Him!!! He Himself talks about His rejection in the Bible. People are rejecting Him all the time. I cannot take this personally. All I can do is.........

I must do my part to tell others of His message of hope and love. This leads to salvation. People need to have hope and experience love before they are willing or even able to receive salvation. Most people don't even think that they need to be saved from anything. When we say that we need to reach the lost, they don't even identify with that language. Because to them they "know" where they are and are perfectly fine with that. So how do you tell someone that is lost that they are? We can't. Jesus can. We need to stop beating people over the head with terms like judgement, salvation, and lost. We rather need to show love and acceptance. That is how Christ does it for us. Christ saves, not us!!!

So whether the Rapture happens tomorrow or not, I know who I owe my life to and I am going to live everyday as if my life depended on that person. Not out of fear, but out of confidence of who and what I am created for.

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