
No Rapture? Now what?

Love!! That is it. Plain and simple. I as a Christian can go on and jump on the bandwagon and disassociate myself with all the Harold Campings of the world, or I can do what the Bible tells me to do and love my fellow believers. We should be the first ones to be reaching out to all those that missed it. Not the first ones pointing the finger and laughing or kicking them while they are down.

"By this all will know that you are my disciples, that you love one another." John 13:35 (NKJV)

I liken it to a family member that does or says some things to embarrass the family name. I am not going disown them or say they aren't part of my family. I will acknowledge that they are wrong, but I will then go to them in love and let them know their error.

The worse thing that we can do as Christ followers is to have a "I told you so" mentality. It creates disunity and just reinforces to all those who don't follow Christ that we eat our own. I think that is one reason that people choose not to surrender their "lives" to God, because they see the way that we treat each other. I wouldn't want to be a part of a family where there is nothing but backstabbing, name calling, and blatant disrespect. There is too much of that in our earthly families.

The best thing we can do is show the love of Christ to the world through our love and acceptance of our own. This does not mean that we simply admit that they are just the "crazies" of the family, but rather reach out to them and show them that we care for them. There are probably thousands of people out there that are really hurting from this and the world is waiting to see how we treat our own. Do not write them off, but rather restore them.

"Live creatively, friends. If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgiveness before the day's out." Galatians 6:1 (MSG)

So love the way Christ loves us. Because He still loves them despite their error. If every time you made a error in judgement (no matter how big or small) and you got pounded for it, I'm sure you would walk away. So be that forgiving hand. Be the hand of Jesus!!!

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